Know More About Industrial Estates In Woodside Before Choosing One

For someone not aware of the term, industrial estates are basically factory accommodation for business owners or entrepreneurs to establish their industries. It is an effective tool for promoting and growing industries of every size. The facility can be sub-divided and developed to suit your business needs. In other words, it is a standard factory building which fulfils the demand for companies looking for customisable factory accommodations.

Every industrial estate in and around Woodside is a planned clustering of various enterprises. Though there are numerous industrial estates scattered all over Woodside for you to choose from, enhancing your knowledge about them is a must if you want to make a wise investment.

Woodside Industrial EstateFeatures To Look For

Though you can choose any renowned industrial estate for your business, it is always advisable to opt for one which is strategically located in a prime location. They should offer easy access to the roadways so that your potential clients and business partners can reach you with ease. You will have better peace of mind if your industrial estate in Woodside has a mature and managed environment. Few other features you can look for are,

  • Monitored CCTV throughout the entire estate
  • An estate office
  • 24-hour on-site security
  • Convenience store
  • Broadband facilities
  • Easy public transport links

Types Of Industrial Estates

  • On The Basis Of Functions

An industrial estate can be divided into two types on the basis of functions. The general type industrial estates are also known as composite or conventional industrial estates and can provide accommodation to various industrial concerns. The customised industrial estates are constructed to suit the requirements of specific industrial units which are horizontally or vertically independent.

  • On The Basis Of Organizational Set-Up

Industrial estates can be classified into three types on the basis of their organizational set-up. They are co-operative industrial estates, government industrial estates and private industrial estates.

  • Functional Industrial Estates

If you are looking for industrial estates which can be used as the base for expanding smaller units into larger ones, just rent a functional industrial estate. These estates are suitable for industrial units where similar or same products are manufactured.

  • Ancillary Industrial Estates

These industrial estates are suitable for business owners looking for accommodation for their small-scale units ancillary to large industries.

Industrial Units Or Distribution Centres?

Whether you should hire a warehouse or distribution centre in Dunstable is entirely dependent on your business requirements. The latter is specially designed for retailers and wholesalers looking for a spacious facility or accommodation where they can store various products before distributing them to their customers. Though warehouses and distribution centres look similar, they serve different purposes. Instead of choosing one randomly, go through the benefits each of them offers.